Saturday, September 12, 2009

Load that Puppy Up!!!

Tim was off first thing to swap our leaky truck for a more water repellant one. Of course it was still raining but today was the day and it had to be done. He thought he could just back up the new truck (and by new I mean new…much newer than the one she had retrieved from the graveyard behind the building the day before) to the old truck and run the ramp from one to the other…but she thought this would be unsafe. By the time he returned, his mood was quite foul. Apparently he was picking up one box, climbing out of the old truck, and then climbing into the new truck. It was not until he fell out of the truck into a puddle that he realized he could actually just slide all of the boxes to the edge and then get down and do the transferring. Once home, he started hauling boxes out of the house and into the truck…in the rain. At one point the neighbor came out and said if we needed any help to let him know. I quickly replied “we need help.” “Well,” he said, “I’m heading out right now, but I’ll be back in a little bit and if you need any help let me know.” “We need help,” I again stated as he got in his truck…never to be seen again.

Around 3 p.m. Tim figured he had most of the boxes loaded and it was time to call Todd, the son of a neighbor who agreed to help move the heavy stuff for some extra cash. I was sent off to run some errands…probably to avoid making gasping noises as all of my belongings were carried through the rain and into the truck…which may or may not be more water “repellant” than the first. Around 7 p.m. the tuck was about out of space and all that was left was the fridge, which they had left a nice little spot for in the back of the truck. By this time, Tim and Todd were exhausted, the rain had yet to stop, and we were about over this whole moving thing. Todd was pulling and Tim was pushing (or making it appear he was pushing although he said there was really no push left in him) and as I watched Todd’s feet slide forward and my fridge land perfectly on his legs, I thought to myself…we’ll never get a homeowners policy again after paying to reconstruct this poor man’s legs. But Todd jumped up and was in his truck and gone (smart man). I am certain he will rethink ever helping anyone move again.

I came inside to find all that random crap that is leftover when one is moving. The stuff you don’t even really want…that wasn’t important enough to get into any of the boxes. I sent Tim to find food and while he was gone I started pulling this random crap into a central location…the living room…for placement into the final box. I didn’t really notice until he got home and looked like he was going to cry…that the living room floor was almost completely covered. The truck was packed…all 26 feet of it…and here we stood…in a room full of miscellaneous crap…

P.S. Thank you so much are a master mover and we couldn't have done it without you!!!

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