Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Place, New Adventure, New Blog

So I’ve been told a million times (and by million, I mean 50) the stories of my life are suitable for a comedic blog. I agree completely that my aggravations and frustrations could bring joy to many...but I could never find a good place to start.

Well, what better time to start a blog than after a life changing event? The life changing event has occurred...Tim accepted a job and we have finally escaped the cesspool of Shreveport, Louisiana. Of course, the real test will be how long we can fight the current and avoid being sucked back in to the black hole! Unfortunately, the job was not in Michigan and thus I am not going home. Instead we will be heading a couple hundred miles further south. Janice Joplin says it's the asshole of the South...which is lovely because I've been calling Shreveport the armpit so at least we are anatomically on the same page.

I'm certain there is nothing like a move to a new place with new people to spark some interesting adventures. My screams are your laughs...enjoy it while you can...there's no telling how much longer I can fight off the straight jacket.

Here we go…

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